During last few years I have found so many different kind of lists of books from internet. "100 best books in the history" or "100 books you should read before you die" and so on. Those are fun lists. It's interesting to see how many books have you read and how many authors you haven't even heard about.
But for some reason are very many great female writers missing from these lists. And that's why I ended up making my own list. Click here and you can find those 100 female writers that I think everybody should read before they die. I took to my list only those writers who I have read myself and can that way I can guarantee that all of them are definitely worth of reading!
This new list of mine, on the other hand, is a list of 100 female writers who I have not read before, but who I think I should try. I can't be sure that these are good ones, but I promise to try and see. Maybe you should too!
1. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
2. Päivi Alasalmi
3. Rajaa Alsanea
4. Melissa Bank
5. Djuna Barnes
6. Aphra Behn
7. Karen Blixen
8. Fredrika Bremer
9. Anne Brontë
10. Emily Brontë
11. Anita Brookner
12. Pearl Buck
13. Willa Cather
14. Colette
15. Grazia Deledda
16. Emily Dickinson
17. Marguerite Duras
18. George Eliot
19. Kirsti Ellilä
20. Laura Esquivel
21. Madame de la Fayette
22. Tua Forsström
23. Marianne Fredriksson
24. Marilyn French
25. Elizabeth Gaskell
26. Nadine Gordimer
27. Ursula K. Le Guin
28. Joanne Harris
29. Bessie Head
30. Mary Higgins Clark
31. Laila Hirvisaari
32. Virpi Hämeen-Anttila
33. Helvi Hämäläinen
34. Annika Idström
35. Elfriede Jelinek
36. Eeva Joenpelto
37. Anu Kaipainen
38. Aino Kallas
39. Jamaica Kincaid
40. Sirpa Kähkönen
41. Selma Lagerlöf
42. Jhumpa Lahiri
43. Leena Lander
44. Violette Leduc
45. Harper Lee
46. Leena Lehtolainen
47. Unni Lindell
48. Katherine Mansfield
49. Carson Mccullers
50. Aila Meriluoto
51. Marja-Leena Mikkola
52. Gabriela Mistral
53. Margaret Mitchell
54. Sue Monk Kidd
55. Toni Morrison
56. Alice Munro
57. Shikibu Murasaki
58. Iris Murdoch
59. Enni Mustonen
60. Herta Müller
61. Azar Nafisi
62. Eppu Nuotio
63. Joyce Carol Oates
64. Leena Parkkinen
65. Jayne Anne Philips
66. Sylvia Plath
67. Annie Proulx
68. Tiina Raevaara
69. Irja Rane
70. Mirkka Rekola
71. Jean Rhys
72. Anne Rice
73. Luise Rinser
74. Christiane Rochefort
75. Fredrika Runeberg
76. Nawal El Saadawi
77. Nelly Sachs
78. Vita Sackvill-West
79. George Sand
80. Sapfo
81. Nathalie Sarraute
82. Solveig Von Schoultz
83. Carol Shields
84. Elvi Sinervo
85. Helena Sinervo
86. Amalie Skram
87. Agnes Smedley
88. Gertrude Stein
89. Harriet Beecher Stowe
90. Miina Supinen
91. Eeva Tikka
92. Sigrid Undset
93. Jean M. Untinen-Auel
94. Alice Walker
95. Sarah Waters
96. Edith Wharton
97. Monique Wittig
98. Hella Wuolijoki
99. Marguerite Yourcenar
100. Wislawa Zymborska
(Well, I just read Lahiri, but I hadn't read her yet when I strated to make this list…)
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