So what have I done lately when I haven't update my blog? I know that during this autumn I have been a bad girl and not update my blog as much as I usually do but it doesn't mean that I'm bored or don't want to write here anymore. It's just that most of the time during this autumn I have spent vomiting, feeling extremely tired, having headaches or just being unbelievable worried and happy at the same time. Life is weird. Lately I have read books I never thougt I would read one day. Lennart Nilsson and Lars Hamberger's ”Syntyy uusi ihminen” (”Ett barn blir till”) and Nikki Bradford's ”The Miraculous World of Your Unborn Baby” are strange, strange books. At this point I don't have anything wise to say about them. Maybe one day. But if you know any good books about related subject, please feel free to recommend them to me.

Every now and then I try to think other things too and I promise to keep writing those thoughts here. About this vomiting I can't say anything else than it makes me very happy.