Last weekend someone asked me what I would like to do for my work if I would be able to do anything. Answer was easy. Most of all I would like to read books and discuss about them with people. I would love to have this salon where interesting and inspiring people would come and we could talk about books for hours. I wouldn't need that much money, just a little bit so I could rent that salon and buy a little bit food and maybe some red wine that we could drink while discussing.

The reason why I started this blog was that I couldn't wait any longer. I needed to have this place of my own where I can invite people to come and talk with me about books. I can't give you any wine but I hope that you sit confortably (I actually lie on my bed right now) and feel that you can enjoy yourselves here.

I have to admit that sometimes I hope that I could get more feedback from you fellow readers. I don't want to talk alone. I do like my own voice but I so much more love other voices, so please, whenever you feel like it, please comment! You don't have to say anything that intelligent or special if you don't feel like it today. (My writings are really not that intelligent either...) Just let me know that you are there and you are having a good time.

On the other hand if you feel that you so much would like to discuss about Hegel or theory of relativity, that's ok too. I promise to try. I would love to try!

You can disagree. You can recommend me some books that I should read. I promise to at least try to read them. You can write something even when you don't know me in real life, especially then! Sometimes I meet my friends who say that they have read my blog and then we have great conversations about some book that I have written here. But somehow I hope that we could have those conversations here too and at the same time get more people to talk with us.

I do know that it's scary to write something into internet and I do know that some forums in internet are just crazy places where angry people write mean things to each others. But somehow I don't think this blog would be like that. I trust you dear fellow readers and I promise to be a good host and make sure that people are not mean to each others here.

Of course you can also just sit and listen, that's ok too. I'm planning to write to this blog for many, many years and I trust, that one day you will talk to me back. I'm ready to wait. I just want you to know that this is your place too. It's boring to have a reading salon all on my own. So, whenever you feel like it...

Och samma på suomi:
Kirjoitan tänne usein englanniksi, koska haluan, että muualla asuvat ystäväni voivat myös osallistua keskusteluun. Lupaan kirjoittaa kuitenkin aina silloin tällöin (ehkä jopa useammin) suomeksi, joten jos englanti tuntuu hankalalta ei silti kannata luovuttaa! Niin ja englanninkielisiin kirjoituksiin saa toki kommentoida myös suomeksi. Haluaisin vain kaikkien tuntevan olonsa sen verran kotoisaksi, että yhteinen keskustelu tuntuisi luontevalta ja helpolta. Jokainen kommentti on tervetullut! Nostetaan virtuaaliset punaviinilasimme (okei, saa juoda myös valkkaria tai hyvin haudutettua teetä), istutaan virtuaalisiin upottaviin nojatuoleihin (mulle se viininpunainen samettinen lähellä takkaa) ja aloitetaan keskustelu!

By the way, I'm so going to see this exhibition. Who wants to come with me?